Careers and Vacancies

What sets us apart as trusted community vets in Devon and Cornwall is that we go the extra mile.

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Careers with Penbode

All of our team work within their own areas of expertise and undertake extensive professional development, because we believe that to give our clients and their animals the best possible service, we need to help you to constantly grow and improve. So whether you work as a vet with exotic animals or as a receptionist in an equine clinic, we’ll give you the tools to reach the height of your abilities.

Putting in the extra mile means our nurses put in every effort necessary to support patients who have separation anxiety. It means that our equine and farm vets take time to get to know clients and their animals, and they’re not just somebody who turns up one day and is never seen again. It means we make an effort to engage with clients, putting on events and talks to help share our knowledge and experience with communities. And so when we help our clients and patients, it feels even more special.

To join our team send your CV to